Dawnuella's Blog...

Welcome to my blog... Enjoy...

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Wow...it's been YEARS since I wrote here.   My goodness!
Well..i'm now a Mamma & Wifey to a great hubby & gorgeous daughter.

Truth be told, i had to blog something to keep this account open.  :-)

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Cool site...

Wow...i havent blogged in awhile. oops! life has been busy w/packing, getting together with friends and just plain ol' tying up loose ends here. It's all good. :-)

A friend of mine sent me this cool site-it is a music video website. Makes you think. It is worth loading and checking out. It really moved me. I hope you appreciate it as I did.


That's all for now. sorry. I have to finish up a project I started earlier. :-)

Monday, January 31, 2005


I GOT THE JOB!! OH MY HEAVENS! I applied for this job way back in October and it has been a long, drawn out process. I went down for a in person interview last week. This was after many phone interviews. Alas, they called me and offered the postition! I'm sooo happy! WOO HOO!

There is so much to do! I need to finish packing, organizing and closing accounts up here in CT. Pennsylvania, here i come! woo hoo!

Thanks everyone for all the prayers and support and the great references! ;-) I couldnt have done it with out you!

Sunday, January 30, 2005


Ahh....I hope you all had a good weekend? I did...it flew right by-like always. Friday night I went over to my friends house and we exchanged CHRISTMAS PRESENTS! Talk about lengthing the season,eh? ;-) That was fun. I always have a good time there.

Saturday, I went to my cousins 'bride to be' bridal shower. This also was fun-it is always good to be at a fun gathering. Sat night I went to the church Congregational meeting. It went pretty smoothly. This is definitely a good thing!

ok...so you ask...Dark Vador JR? YES, this is the deal.... There was this cute little boy sound asleep in a very deep deep deep DEEP sleep! I was trying sooo hard not to laugh out loud! He would take a long deep breath, pause, then let it out like Dark Vador! It was a riot! Everyone kept looking around to see where Dark Vador was! The funny thing was that he was sleeping in a car seat on the floor. so, when people looked for the heavy breather culprit, he was no where to be found. Anyways...I thought I'd share that funny tidbit with you all! he..he...

I just tried a new recipe for a chicken casserole. It was pretty tasty-not my new favorite, but it was ok. It was chicken, cream of Chicken soup, italian seasoning and sour cream. it was quite rich! I also made stuffing! I used apple cider for the liquid part-it was so yummy, it gave it a great flavor! I highly recommend it!

I've got to run. Hope all is well w/you! Please drop me a comment if you are actually reading this! (FYI-You can comment with out having an account with blogger.com, so feel free. just click on "comment" then click "post anonymously" (sp?).

Have a great Sunday! Peace Out!

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Quite The View...

I thought I’d let you all see what it looks like out our kitchen window. Look at that snow! I wonder when it will all melt away? It is very powdery and not good for Snowballs or Snowmen. Oh well...

Beanie Baby Overload??

Well...here I am, Day 2 into my blog. I hope I am able to keep up with it daily...or at least every few days. We shall see, eh? ;-)

Ok..so when I left for work today, it was 4, YES--4 degrees outside! Wow, is that cold! Now, it is a whopping 12 degrees. Talk about Chilly! I am so thankful we have good heat. The house is toasty warm at a nice temp of 69. Ahh... I love it.

Today, I had a lady come in and buy 20 Beanie Babies! That is over $100 is Beanie Babies! Good grief! Last week, there was a woman who came in and bought over (you won’t believe this...), bought over $1000. worth of Beanies! Talk about Beanie overload!! What the heck do you do with them all? This particular customer said that she puts them in tupperware containers under her bed. What a great life those beanies have. Lol (laugh out loud)!

I actually went sledding last Saturday, down in Pennsylvania with my cousins! It was so much fun. They have a great hill in their backyard. Unfortunately, it was bitter cold and when I came in my ear lobe started swelling. Is swelling a symptom of frostbite? Well...it went down. But, it was very strange. Anyways...

Well..I guess this is all for now. Peace out!

Wednesday, January 26, 2005


Well...today I had a "snow day"--how cool is this? I am not even a student! My boss called me and said ...."don't bother coming in-we won't have any customers in this mess...". I silently yelled YAHOO!!! I have just been hanging out, relaxing. My sister, April Anne helped me get hooked up with a blog. So...enjoy-I hope you enjoy my random comments!

We got about 6-8 inches of MORE SNOW!!! OH MY! I can't beleive how much we are getting these days! We just had about a foot on Sunday! wowie! It's funny, December was such a mild month and now, we're getting slammed. That's ok.

Tonight I'm going to watch American Idol. That show cracks me up! I feel badly for some of the contestants though. but man o man, is that show funny!

well...i should run, i have to go get dinner started! mm...chicken-stuffing casserole! YUM!

Have a good day!


Just testing out my new blog! woo hoo! this will be fun! ;-)

Location: New England, United States

Well..what can I say? I'm just a good ol' American Girl (well...'Swedish-American' he..he...)! I love life and enjoy it to the fullest! I have traveled worldwide-I'm grateful for all the experiences that I've had. I look foward to seeing where God will lead me next!